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7 blog styles your readers will love - blog topics

Imagine you're sitting down to brainstorm blog content ideas for a client or yourself. Does the creativity flow like liquid gold or is it more like wading through mud?

Filling a blog content calendar can be hard work. You want topics and formats that engage readers from the headline to the intro, right? Right. That's why we've listed seven of the most effective and engaging blog post formats, so you don't have to!

#1 Blog topics - Series

Ever launched into writing a blog article only to reach 1,500 words with a lot more to say? Write a blog series. It's the perfect way to 'milk' you, or your client's knowledge. Choose a topic then break it down into smaller pieces and go into detail about each one. A great content calendar filler!

#2 Personal Insights Posts

Is your client the "face" of their brand? Do they have a business journey story worth telling? A personal insight post puts the client’s own personal experiences and findings on 'paper'. People love to read different perspectives on topics they're interested in and doing so can help them make better decisions.

#3 Inspirational Stories

Everybody loves a 'feel good' story. Whether you’re offering tricks of the trade, motivational posts or life reflections, they're often ones that stop traffic and generate comments. Maybe it's time to go a bit deeper with a client and discover what they've learnt on a personal level.

#4 Case Study Posts

Case studies are a powerful way to tell a story of success. Lead with results (rather than leave them till the end) and include testimonials. And remember, they don’t have to be complex to be interesting, in fact - the simpler the better. The more case studies you have on a blog, the more trust and loyalty you'll gain from your readers.

#5 Blog Interviews

If you're strapped for time and budget, blog interviews are ideal and they're the kind of blog posts that draws a lot of attention on social media. You can either interview the person by phone or if budget/time is super tight, email them 5-10 questions and ask them to write the answers.

#6 ‘How To’ Tutorial Posts

What is your client good at? What do they know how to do? No doubt, a lot of things that people will be interested in! Turn what they do and know into a 'how to' blog post, ideally with video. It's fantastic fodder for social media.

#7 Review Posts

Remember the last time you were 'umming' and 'ahhing' about an online purchase? Was it the customer reviews that sealed or unsealed the deal? Reviews are effective. Ask your client for a list of the best products they’ve ever tried, or services, and review them. Or do a product compare of the client's own products and services to show the range they offer.

More ready than ever to write a blog article? We hope so!

These seven ideas are great to have on hand for when you find it hard-pressed to come up with new blog formats. If you’d like more help, or someone to write blog articles for you, please give our team of expert copywriters a call, email or fill in our briefing form.

We’ll get to know what you do, uncover your amazing insights, information and knowledge and turn it into irresistible content that clicks. We’ve got your back!

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